Maria's Space: Blue Monday - The Big Top

Monday, June 20, 2011

Blue Monday - The Big Top

The circus comes to my town every year. I never go because I am not one for crowds and spending money that I don't have.

This year was different because now that Goddess is in school, she learns about the things that are happening and is aware of her community. I used to be able to hide things thinking if they don't know it won't hurt them.

When she asked everyday (for 7 days) if we were going, I knew I had to take her. I am so glad I did.

The day the big top goes up is a big deal in my little town. This year there were so many people there. I took Goddess when she was 3 and no one was around. I snapped a few photos before getting my tickets for the evening for Blue Monday although I could have done these for Mellow Yellow Monday and Ruby Tuesday as well.




AND we are up!


  1. The last I like most, even there is no blue :)

  2. I loved going to the circus when I was young! :) I haven't been in so long. Perhaps hubby and I will go some time.

  3. I myself haven't been to one, circus scares me. :D

  4. It's been a long time since I've last seen a circus. I love the last one too.

    My Blue Monday.

  5. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I haven't been to a circus in SO long. Those are great photos, I hope Goddess wasn't disappointed.


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