Maria's Space: Alphabe-Thursday - H = Happy

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Alphabe-Thursday - H = Happy

Jenny Matlock

There is nothing as a parent than seeing your kids HAPPY. Really happy. It doesn't take much to make them happy. They are excited over the best things. I love hearing them yell "Hooray" whenever I mention things I know they are going to love. Usually this happens on our ride home from school in the afternoon. Usually they play at the park for 1/2 hour or more than we get in the car and talk about our day. Sometimes, it is just the mention of a snack purchased at the supermarket or a piece of mail that came in, or a TV show we are going to watch. It is the small things that make them happy. We should all take a moment and be child like. Imagine the joy we would get if we took a breath and appreciated the little things.


April 14, 2011 6th Birthday (5)

April 14, 2011 6th Birthday (3)


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Great photos as always!
    I love the one of Goddess and your niece on the swing. Especially because Goddess is wearing her tiara... My motto, a woman is never fully dressed without a tiara. =)
    Lorie Shewbridge
    (Damn Blogger!)

  2. Oh, this post made me smile! Such sweet photos. You're so right. It is just the smallest things that can make them shout for joy!

    I'm going to work on being happy with less! My Mom always tells me I'm immature so it might not be too hard - ha!

    Thanks for the cute link.



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