Maria's Space: How To Talk To Girls By Alec Greven

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How To Talk To Girls By Alec Greven

What I Can Tell You:
This is the cutest book ever. The author who is 9 years old gives sound advice that at times seems a bit much especially when he says that you should go after "regular looking girls" because pretty girls are "coldhearted". 
Other than that, I think the book is sweet especially when he tells kids that if you like a girl and she doesn't like you, you should just move on.  I couldn't agree more. I have a young friend who is in the beginning stages of high school and recently had some moments of sadness because of the opposite sex. I would love to give him my copy of this book.

Other advice in the book is: Don't wear sweats and comb your hair. I totally have to agree with him on this one. These are all things I personally don't like on a guy. Sweats are for your house and please, messy hair? What is up with that?


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I can't believe he was 9 and talking like that. lol

    BTW what is wrong with guys in sweats?? To me is casual wear. You can wear sweats and still look HOT!

  2. LOL sounds like one smart 9 year old! Great review!


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