Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - Ummm...Cherry Pie

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ruby Tuesday - Ummm...Cherry Pie

Join Mary at Work of the Poet and the rest of the red lovers.

Last week, I bought a cherry pie from Shoprite and ate the whole stinking thing myself in three days. I don't eat the outer crust but man, it was amazing.

Picture 866


  1. It makes me drooling here:)

  2. Be still my heart....I love fruit pies. Cherry being one that I'd choose over all.

    My Ruby Tuesday - Kachina Doll

    Hope you're having a super day.

  3. you should have sent me the crust ... that's my favourite part! happy ruby tuesday

  4. Following back from MBC!

  5. First the cherry juice review, now the cherry pie post...I'm going to have to go to the grocery store today and get some cherries!

  6. Anonymous6:27 PM

    You and your cherries!! that pie looks yummy.

  7. Cherry pie is one of my favorites! I actually make a pretty good one and Bill really likes it. Then starts singing, "Can she bake a cherry pie, Billy boy, Billy boy? Can she bake a cherry pie Billy boy?" It's really silly!
    Great photo, I love when you do your macro photos, I'm trying to practice those.


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