Maria's Space: Monochrome Weekend

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monochrome Weekend

I have been living in a Monochrome World for the past few months. I need color so badly and I am going through withdrawals.

This week we got pounded with about 2 feet of the cold, wet, white stuff. It has been lovely but I am tempted to through some color in.

Although these are obviously shot in color they are indeed monochrome. So without further ado, I present the snow.

Picture 045

Picture 044

Picture 014

My street looks ok if you happen to drive a motorcycle.
Picture 113


  1. The snow looks so beautiful, but I'd hate to have it around for so long. I like contrast, not just white (however beautiful it is!)

  2. Anonymous7:39 PM

    ENOUGH WITH THE SNOW PICTURES!!! I need grass, leaves, flowers. lol

  3. Definitely agree that the photos are lovely, but I can relate to the "white out" feeling -- I heard on the news here earlier that we're going for a record for the number of days with snow cover, and now that March is about to arrive, I can only hope the white stuff is gone by spring!

  4. Lovely pictures, but I agree enough with the white stuff already! lol

  5. We don't have white, just dull and dead scenery....I am ready to see some forsythias and tulips blooming!

  6. I can't believe you shot those in color, I would have thought they were either shot in B/W or changed after you shot them. They are gorgeous, but I can see how you would say only a motorcycle could fit on your street.
    Around here, we only have dead grass, bushes and trees... everything looks so gloomy. I need color.


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