Maria's Space: Love in Gold

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Love in Gold


Love is the only gold. by Lord Alfred Tennyson

Friday I was at my girlfriend's house and noticed a beautiful bouquet of flowers on her never used dining room table. She told me they were a gift from her momma then teased as I took about 15 pictures for Mellow Yellow Monday. She said, "ahhh, one would have been enough!" She obviously doesn't understand that a "photographer takes many praying for that one that stands out.


  1. Great shot of a beautiful rose!!

  2. It is a beautiful shot. You really captured the rose and its color.
    By the way for the record, I think she used the table once for a holiday or something. My son always teases her about it.

  3. My husband is the same. He thinks I exxagerate:P

  4. Very nice shot by the way! I myself is still learning the tricks of photography.

  5. Oh, Maria, I literally gasped when I saw that rose... it is SO beautiful... You captured it so perfectly. Thank you for sharing, it is perfect for mellow yellow!
    You take my breath away with your artistry.
    BTW... tell your friend, I have a dining room table just like her's!

  6. Oh my goodness, that is so lovely!

    Here is my first mellow yellow entry. Hope you can take a peek!

  7. OH the rose is pretty. Nice capture dear. Happy MYM!

  8. thiissss is sooo lovely :)

    mine is up too

  9. Anonymous10:22 AM

    The Rose is beautiful. Thank You Lorie for saying you have a table like mine. There is always someone out there. lol


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