Maria's Space: Weekly Winners - 1st Timer

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Weekly Winners - 1st Timer

So, I found another photo meme! This time it was over at Sarcastic Mom. For this meme, you simply choose one of your favorite photos of the week and post it. Easy enough this week but not always.

Obviously, I love these photo memes. You get a chance to see other folks worlds and showcase some of your own.

Here is Goddess on Friday. We were hanging out at my girlfriends and she was teaching the kids about gardening (more on that later).

I snapped this one quickly and loved it. It was a pass by with the camera but it captured her beautifully. I usually put my name on all my photos so I stuck it in my Flickr than played with it in Picnik. I love the softness but I also love the original so I am including both.


  1. She's so beautiful!

  2. What an awesome shot. I love the amazed look on her face. She is beautiful!

  3. Anonymous7:54 PM

    What a beautiful shot! That looks like a fun meme to participate in. Thanks for visiting my blog, thanks for your comments. Check back in a few weeks and I'll tell you how my next date goes. Blogging about our dates gives us something fun to talk about and do together. Have a good day!

  4. Gorgeous shot! Wonderful capture.


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