Maria's Space: Blue Monday - The Beach Blanket

Monday, August 10, 2009

Blue Monday - The Beach Blanket

This picture was taken last summer but I have not used it in a meme yet. I think this is perfect for Blue Monday and it makes me long for some quiet time.


  1. It is a pretty blue. Enjoy the beach.

  2. Maria, I loved the book THE KITE RUNNER. It was wonderful.

    I live near the beach and feel like I could use some downtime, too.


    Sheila :-)

  3. Oh, and I forgot to say... Happy Blue Monday!

  4. Ooops! I think you forgot to link in.

    Please come back and make the link so that everyone can find you.

  5. Looks like some perfect quiet time to me too! Have a great Blue Monday.

  6. I love the picnic basket laying on the great blue blanket

  7. Lovely blue.
    Happy Blue Monday

  8. crystal3:27 AM

    Very pretty picture sweetie!!

    Wanted to let you know that "The Forbidden Desire" Book is calling to me..Thank you so much!!
    And it is about a witch, i am so excited.(once i start,i will be done in a couple days woo-hoo) (:

  9. That is such a beautiful shade of blue, and the contrast against the sand really makes it pop... great shot! I was so sad when I read "The Kite Runner", I wonder if anyone saw the movie... I was afraid it wouldn't do the book justice.

    Have a great week..... Love to the kiddies!!

  10. It's nice to spend the day in the beach (which I don't get to do often now). I like to go there during sunsets.


  11. Wow! I love it! Blue is my favorite color, any shade! I just love blue. That'a a great pic! You just know the water is Right there off camera! Stop by and visit!


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