Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - Gems And Jewels of the Garden

Monday, June 29, 2009

Ruby Tuesday - Gems And Jewels of the Garden

Last week I took the kids to a local farm and took a bunch of photos of the flowers there. I love taking pictures of flowers and wish I had a macro lens to really get the detail.

The Jewels this Ruby Tuesday are of a necklace I strung last week. I wanted to see if I could do it. I really love the way it came out and the colors of the red look amazing!


  1. I wish I had a macro lens and a bunch of others too.:-) Someday.
    You did a great job with your lens. I really like the top picture.

  2. I love your photos. You passed the red requirement test :-). Have a wonderful day.

  3. Beautiful... my mom has started doing beading with semi-precious gems and crystals... it keeps her occupied... and me too.. when she drops them on the floor and I have to try and find them all. ;)

  4. Love your top photo. You got a great capture with the lens you had! I priced a macro lens for my camera: it was over $400. I'm waiting. I just got the zoom lens so I can photograph birds. They still don't sit still for me.

    A friend does jewelry - she finds it relaxing (especially compared to her job of librarian for 800 inner city kids).

  5. You do very well with the lens you have! And very pretty jewelry! Nicely done on both counts!

  6. those are gorgeous! check you out! so talented!

  7. The flowers are jewels of the botanical type, the stones gems of the earth. Stylish and beautiful, all forms of natural art!

  8. You are a true artist - the photos are gorgeous. I have just been experimenting with flowers, you are an inspiration for me to keep at it.
    The necklaces are beautiful, just the right amount of color with the clear, very tasteful.
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  9. Wonderful collection of reds. The photo of the helmet is stunning!


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