Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Don't You Hate???? I feel like Bitching!

Crazy Lady

  • Don't you hate it when two of your favorite shows are on at the same time?
  • Don't you hate when someone who never wants to do something suddenly decides it is time to move their ass and now you are just supposed to jump on their train?
  • Don't you hate when you are moving with a purpose and your train gets derailed at least 25 times a day because the kids need, want, require handling?
  • Don't you hate whinning?
  • Don't you hate planes that fly over your ass at night and sound as if they are going to come through your roof?
  • Don't you hate how damn cold it is?
  • Don't you hate the price of food these days?
  • Don't you hate when you are trying to get into a website with your password and after 3 attempts it closes you out and you have to call the company to have them reset it for you?
  • Don't you hate talking to those computerized operators for 15 minutes, inputting all kinds of information and then finally getting an operator and having to give them the information you just spent 15 minutes inputting?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Amen sister. I hate everything on your list too. Especially the cold. LOL


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