Maria's Space: ABC Wednesday - B for Ballerina and Beer (but not together)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

ABC Wednesday - B for Ballerina and Beer (but not together)

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B = Ballerina
Here is my daughter as she begged me to take pictures of her as she danced
around her room.

B = Beer
Nature's refrigerator

Check out my other blog for another "B" picture.


  1. Beautiful Ballerina!!!! And I just love an ice cold Corona whith lime :)

  2. I too have daughters who love to dance for the camera! That beer looks very tempting :)

  3. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Great shot on your ballerina!

    My "B" entry is posted here and here. Hope you'll take a look as well. Thanks!

  4. What a nice ballerina! In a few years she will shout "Oh no mum, don't take my picture, I have a bad hair day!" =o) So take them now, while you have the chance.

  5. Lene, Thanks so much for taking the time to check me out and comment. That beer looks good to me right about now.

    Berthddu Suit, is the cutest thing. I love watching her dance. Thanks for stopping by.

    ShutterhappyJenn, Thanks Jenn.

    Fotosekken, I am sure of it. If she never wants another picture in her life I have enough in her 3 years to last her forever. Poor baby is most definitely going to hate the picture taking one day.

  6. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Oh that takes me back to my daughter's childhood...

  7. Ah, a beer. Something I enjoy - in moderation.

  8. Wow...what a lovely photo of a pretty little ballerina!

  9. lol, what a great way to keep your beer cold!

    How fun that your adorable ballerina enjoys having her picture taken :)


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