Saturday, October 22, 2005

Rainy Day and PJ's

Today was one of those know the kind, 4 hours of broken sleep due to the two kids in my bed. Husband sleeping on the couch his snoring pissed me off. Damn him, I am so jealous that he gets to sleep alone. King size bed, two little people under 2 1/2 and it feels like we are sleeping in a single. Nursed the girl about three times, pushed the boy off my back about 6 times = 2 Tylenol for the back pain suffered in the morning. Damn I wish everyone would just sleep in their own bed! I was ready to crawl into the crib just to be alone.

Upon waking I tried to change the boy child who made a "uhhhhhhhhgh" sound so I decided to just leave it alone and keep us all in PJ's. Overall not a bad day, in fact I even got myself a little nap. About 1/2 hour and the girl child was sleeping on my chest but at least my feet were up and my ass was down. One word Niiiicceee!!!

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