Maria's Space: I went "Poofff"

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I went "Poofff"

So tonight the boy child, girl child and I are lying down while I tried unsuccessfully to "watch" Desperate Housewives (God, I love this show); when the boy child let's out a little "oh so cute because he is my baby" fart! He looks me right in the eye and says, " I went Poofff."

Come on, it doesn't get any damn cuter than that. The most ironic part is my son will be starting speech next week and I will have to happily relay this message to the therapist.

Personally, I think they should re-evaluate the boy. He has tons of words (I am counting any words that he attempts), for a two year old. He also says, "I want ___" and this morning he said, "I'm going to momma" when he left his Dad's side.. Now I can add, "I went Poofff to his sentence repertoire. My baby is a genius, the rest of the world just doesn't know it yet.

1 comment:

  1. And annouce it he did, with a big grin on his little face. God I love his face.

    I believe you are madam. That show is addictive too. Not sure that it is something you would love but it is funny. I think everyone can relate to at least one of the characters.


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