Maria's Space: Alone by Barry Falls

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Alone by Barry Falls

The 411:

I really enjoyed this book. I love the illustrations and the story layout with BIG bold words, fun fonts and interesting text layout. Bill really loves his alone time. I get it! I am an introvert who appreciates my alone time but Billy he decides to live on a hill far from everyone until he finds a mouse in his house. 

Alone gives  homage to There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly without death and a happy ending.  Billy keeps getting more and more involved with others as he tries to get rid of the next until the wonderful ending with Billy and a red balloon gift! 

I really loved in the end Billy was still able to be alone but does spend a day a week with all his "new friends".  I also really love this little cricket/grasshopper who wants us to find him on every page. 

Definitely a fun book that kids will love.

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