Maria's Space: The Museum of Forgotten Memories by Anstey Harris

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Museum of Forgotten Memories by Anstey Harris


At Hatters Museum of the Wide Wide World, where the animals never age but time takes its toll, one woman must find the courage to overcome the greatest loss of her life—from the author of Goodbye, Paris.

The 411:

It took me a little longer to read this than I thought it would when I first got it. I was really into for the first four chapters. It slowed a bit in the middle but then picked up again. It was really an enjoyable read. Well written with likeable characters and a great storyline. 

Our main character Cate has moved to her late husband's family home a sprawling museum that is also one of the main characters in this book. Her and her son Leo must start over again while dealing with the loss of the man in their lives as get their lives back in order. 

Cate's husband's suicide has taken its toll and Cate is lost, shot and feels the weight of the world on her shoulders until she finds something and someone to help her heal and deal.

The prose is really beautiful and descriptive. Deep, meaningful and lovely to read out loud. I enjoyed the story very much once I realized this wasn't going to be a book I could get through quickly to move onto the next book. I needed to savor it and not only read it be see it! The words longed to be tasted and when I wasn't re-reading beautiful paragraphs I was enjoying the character of Leo. Cate's son's disability is well written.  As the mother of a son with a disability I found myself wondering if I treat my son like Cate treats Leo. Do I allow him to make his own decisions enough? Do I believe he can take care of himself if he had to? Could he take care of me if necessary as Leo did for Cate? Sometimes we need another person to tell us to take a step back and I appreciated Patch opening Cate's eyes when necessary. 

All in all it was a great read by wonderful writer never becoming dark, cheesy or too deep. 

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