Maria's Space: Mario & Sonic Head To Tokyo For The 2020 Games

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Mario & Sonic Head To Tokyo For The 2020 Games

The 411: 
I was hesitant to get this one since it's been so long since we played the last ones on the Wii.  My kids are older and I didn't think we would enjoy it anymore but when I showed my kids that we got this, their eyes lit up. 

Once we started playing everyone was having a great time.  Even my husband, who does not play a lot of video games was getting a kick out of this. There were even some really cool games that looked like an 80's Nintendo game and he loved that!

Honestly, I was really surprised at how much fun we had playing this game! When they were younger, playing games with them was quality family time. I missed it and they have been hanging with us playing instead of locked up in their rooms. It might be short lived because it is new but I will take it!

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