Maria's Space: Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean

Friday, November 08, 2019

Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean

When you have a family, especially with children, it is a challenge to clean your home, let alone keep it clean after the whole family has had a go at it. It can be disheartening to see all your hard work go to waste when your partner or child spills something onto the freshly cleaned carpet, but it is unfortunately inevitable. Cleaning your home can seem like a never-ending task, but there are tactics you can use to help it stay cleaner for longer. A little mess never hurt anybody, but you want to do your best to prevent bigger ones.

1. Assign Chores to the Kids
No kid ever likes cleaning; it’s an unwritten rule of life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t encourage yours to help outaround the house when you need an extra pair of hands. Having a chore that they do regularly will also help to teach them responsibility. If they have to vacuum the living room every Sunday morning, then they will think twice before taking food in there that can easily spill and make a mess. 

2. Regular Deep Cleans
Deeps cleans get to the root of hygiene issues and will help to sustain cleanliness in your home for longer periods of time. For your bedrooms and living rooms, consider consulting services like carpet cleaning London to give them a thorough and professional clean that will have long-lasting results. A lot of cleaning is merely surface deep, but regular deep cleans will help to keep your home healthy, as well as to look clean. 

3. Draw Up a Cleaning Schedule
There are lots of things in your home that require regular cleaning and maintenance; carpets, the bathroom, dusting off the shelves, so much so that it is difficult to keep track of it all, which makes the tasks seem daunting and overwhelming. To make cleaning your home more manageable, design a cleaning schedule that involves you, your partner and your children if you have them. By writing down the tasks you need to do, and when you need to do them, it will appear much less overwhelming and more achievable. If you can keep to this schedule, it will soon become like second nature, so you can keep your home clean regularly.

4. Use Fewer Products
The vast amount of cleaning products available in supermarkets nears on ridiculous; when you’re standing in the cleaning aisles, it’s difficult to know which products are best and which aren’t worth your money. To save time and money on shopping, and when you are cleaning, try to use a minimal number of products. By using only the ones you need, you will save time switching between each product as you clean and also save money by buying less products

5. Remember to Have Fun
Very few people enjoy cleaning, but there are some simple ways to make it a more pleasant experience. Put the radio on. Play your favourite song. Watch your favourite TV show as you work. Cleaning doesn’t always have to be something you dread. 

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