Maria's Space: Rocks, Gems & Geodes Klutz Maker Lab Review Our Blog Video Review Is Here TOO!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rocks, Gems & Geodes Klutz Maker Lab Review Our Blog Video Review Is Here TOO!

Klutz: Maker Lab: Rocks, Gems & Geodes 

Kids will dig the world of earth science and geology! Kick-start your very own rock collection with the 36 stones, then use the included crystal powder and mold to grow your own geode formation. Collect rocks and conduct experiments, such as a scratch test and float test, to discover their hidden properties. The fun doesn't stop there - You'll even learn how to make your very own rock tumbler. Use the fact-filled book to keep exploring the world around you as you find more samples to collect.

The 411: 

My daughter and I are crystal, gems and stone collectors. We share stones and head out two times a year to find new ones for our collection so we were really excited to review this kit from Klutz.

The kit comes with 36 stones, a magnifying glass, a colorful book, plaster mix and crystal mix so you can make your own Geode.

We really loved the stones but wish the set up was better. Once you do the Geode experiment you then have two empty areas in the packaging. If the package had a removable part that allowed you to keep the stones in their named compartments that would be helpful. You could cut the empty parts out but then you have the problem with the cover. It will be too large and if you cut it it will no longer hold the stones.

BUT with all that aside the whole set up is pretty cool for kids who love science, stones or experimenting.

We had some trouble with making a Geode and it didn't work out for us but we are interested in trying again.

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