Maria's Space: Friday Fill Ins - 2008

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Friday Fill Ins - 2008

Friday Fill Ins

Want to play along? Come on over here.
1. Oh, I can’t wait until I have a moment to myself.
2. The fact that the shelves need to be cleaned is the first thing I see when I open my refrigerator.
3. I never leave home without my keys, license, cell phone, and car.
4. If I were a condiment, I would be mayo because I am white, lumpy and loaded with fat.
5. Being on time is really high up on my list of pet peeves.
6. The last thing I thought of before I went to bed was that was a long day.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to finishing my freelance work, tomorrow my plans include going to the beach and Sunday, I want to relax!

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