Maria's Space: My Life In Photos - March 14 - March 22

Monday, April 29, 2019

My Life In Photos - March 14 - March 22

March 14 - We take our class out everyday. The weather doesn't matter. The need the fresh air and it breaks up the day. We were searching for 4 leaf clovers. They all thought they found one of course. Very cute.

March 15 - NADA

March 16 - Sage and her beautiful face!

March 17 - My girl's art of course needs to be included. My life definitely is better with her work. I love every new piece.

March 18 - I took photos but I cannot include them. They show too many preschool faces and I do not have permission to post them.

March 19 - A view from my sunroof or moonroof depending on who you talk to. Which is it for you?

March 20 - I get so excited at Scholastic Book Fairs. We bought $80 worth of books. How about you. Can you get through there without buying books?

March 21 - Isn't she cute? My daughter definitely has a style to her art. I can tell it anywhere.

March 22 - Cause this is normal.

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