Maria's Space: It's My Momma

Sunday, June 11, 2017

It's My Momma

Mommy died when I was 12 years old. She is maybe 10-12 years old here. I am not sure if this is a school photo but it is possible. She went to a catholic school and I see a cross and what could be a uniform.

I love how sweet her face is with her blue eyes that I didn't get although I do have her hair.

Looking at this photo I wonder if this girl had big dreams for herself. I also wonder what they were. Did she think she would die at the age of 34 with three girls under the age of 12? It breaks my heart to know that her life was fast and I wonder what kind of relationship we would have had. I will never know but I am so happy to have found this photo in my grandmother's house. I have never seen it before.

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