Maria's Space: I Am In Love With Bob - My Robotic Vacuum That Is

Friday, November 11, 2016

I Am In Love With Bob - My Robotic Vacuum That Is


  bObsweep is an intelligent floor cleaner

We have never had a robotic vacuum cleaner and since receiving bObsweep over a month ago and he has become part of the family. We even leave messages on the dry erase board about Bob. You would think he was a dog the way walk talk about him. "Where is Bob?",  "Go in your room and make sure there is nothing on the floor that Bob can eat before we let him go" and "Bob needs a cleaning."

Bob came to us with a birth announcement
He was well protected and also had a goody bag
The first three weeks of using him which was daily we watched him and sometimes used the remote control because you could send Bob where you wanted him to go unlike a family pet or kid. Bob does exactly what you want him to do. Now we just let Bob do his thing which is to clean up after this family making things easier for me. I used to lug out my vacuum from the laundry room every single night to keep up with the amount of hair and crumbs here. We have rugs throughout the house except for the kitchen and bathroom, plus we all have allergies so staying on top of cleaning the carpets is extremely important. We don't have a large animal but with the amount of hair my daughter and I spread around this place we may as well have one. My husband used to complain about the hair around the vacuum parts all the time.

Isn't he cute with his matchy matchy shape remote control?

With Bob since we do it every day there isn't a ton of hair wrapping itself around the roller. I no longer have to give my vacuum cleaner a haircut because Bob is on the job! This doesn't mean Bob never needs maintenance. He does. When Bob's holding tray gets full, he stops and shows an error in the screen to let you know he needs to be emptied. It is a small tray so depending on the amount of dirt, dust, hair and such you have to empty a few times. We have to empty once in the bedrooms and twice in living room/dining room.

What is great about Bob is that he gets better every time you use him. He learns where he needs to go and where he needs to stay away from. I love watching him get out of situations like if he goes under my clothes bin stand.


  • Bob is self cleaning. You can set him. You can program the time you want Bob to go and he cleans even if you are not home. 
  • Bob is also a mop and comes with a mop pad that you can easily affix to his bottom to clean your un-carpeted floors. I don't know another robot vacuum that does that.
  • Bob is never in jeopardy of falling down your stairs. I had no idea about this little feature. The first time I used him I stood by the stairs so I could put my leg near him if he went to fall. NOPE..Bob is smart and goes right to the edge and turns around. He is a robot after all and highly intelligent.
  • Bob has bumper guards that allow him to bounce off things if he bumps into anything. It is how he moves out of areas he gets into. Even tight jams. It is pretty amazing. 
  • He comes with little sweepers for edging and corners that you simple insert into holes under him. They spin as he moves cleaning out all debris from the edges so that Bob can go and vacuum it up.
  • Bob knows when he needs charging. You don't have to worry about him dying somewhere from battery drain in your house because he senses when he needs a charge and heads right back to the charger. The charger emits a tiny beeping noise that calls him back. You can also hit charge on the remote and it will send him right back to his base. 
  • Since we always have to give our vacuums a hair cut due to our long hair here, we need to get to the roller easily. Our other vacuums have always needed a complete dismantling to get the roller and the band out. NOT Bob. He came with a screwdriver in his goody bag and it is only one screw that allows you to easily take out the roller. Remove all hair from the roller and anywhere else it wraps and insert it back in. Probably takes no more than 2 minutes. 
  • I wish the container inside him was a little bit larger but that is really the only con.
Bob has change our lives. We love him and highly recommend him. I don't know how we got by without him before.

Look for Bob on my Holiday Gift Guide 2016

To Purchase:

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion.  My reviews are 100% honest and true based on my personal opinion not on a company’s description or request. I am not employed by any company I review for. No monetary compensation was received.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I never considered naming my vacuum, but if he could clean the floor on his own I would totally name him! This looks nice!


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