Maria's Space: Girlfriends Are Important To Your Life!

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Girlfriends Are Important To Your Life!

I love and adore my girlfriends and know that my life would never be the same without them. Thankfully Goddess loves and adores her girlfriends too! Whether they are by choice (friends from school) or because they are family (cousins) she is very fortunate to have so many girls in her life.

Here she is with her beautiful cousins!

Cousin Tina and Goddess are only a year apart and see each other only 2 times a year but when they are together, it is beautiful.

Goddess' bestie is in blue but she loves all of these girls and talks about them all the time.

What a great birthday party! These girls have all known each other since preschool or kindergarten, they go to school and brownies together. It makes for a very comfortable birthday.


  1. You are preserving beautiful memories for Goddess to replay to her heart's content. I love the comfortableness of the birthday party.. that's very special.

  2. That looks like an invitation to a serious case of giggles.

  3. Always good to have girlfriends. Love the smiles!!

  4. girlfriends are the greatest..

  5. Oh how sweet life is!

  6. they are all so cute! Yes, girlfriends are very important. I always had just a few, and hung out with boys, who were just friends. {:-D

  7. Great making memories. Girlfriends are great! My letter "G" post isn't quite as fun!
    Thanks for sharing the fun.
    Have a great week.

  8. This made me teary.

    I love what a great life and experiences you are providing for your sweetie.

    You are making memories forever. For her AND you AND all the lovelies!

    Thanks for sharing a great link for the letter G.



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