Maria's Space: Old Memes Were Fun Where Are They Now?

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Old Memes Were Fun Where Are They Now?

Originally posted on August 5, 2008

This is my favorite clip art for Manic Monday so far. James and the Giant Peach was one of my favorite books when I was a kid.
The first things that come to mind for me are:
My kids are getting so big. How did we get here? Didn’t I just have my son yesterday? Wasn’t I just a first time mom a week ago? Now there are 2 and they are getting bigger every day.

In fact my daughter says that to us at least 3 times a week. “I’m getting bigger every day.” This line comes right after, “what happened to your baby?” Uggghhh.

Unlike a lot of my girlfriends with kids, I am sooooo not rushing to big boy/big girl thing. I love having babies and would have 2 more if my husband was interested and if I was younger.
Hold your babies tight because they grow out of you a whole lot quicker than we grow out of them!!!!
Happy Monday

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