Maria's Space: $200.00 Visa Gift Card Giveaway

Monday, June 03, 2013

$200.00 Visa Gift Card Giveaway

I am happy to be able to bring you this awesome giveaway. All of us could use an extra $200.00 I am sure. Enjoy your day.

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Come and Join us on these great giveaway

One lucky winner will win:
Visa Gift Card $200

US Only

June 3 to 28

Please enter below, all entries are optional

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Maria's Space is not responsible for prize. If you have any questions about this giveaway please send an email to  All entries are optional, if you do any of the tasks you can collect the entries, even if you do one entry you can get the extra 1 entries  but if the winner tasks is a tasks you did not complete, a second winner will be chosen. If the winner tasks is the one you did you will be the winner.

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