Maria's Space: Snow Day on February 29th

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Snow Day on February 29th

This year we have had very few Snow Days. There wasn't a lot of snow at all but from what I hear from the news it isn't over. Today was the perfect day for the kids to be off.

Last night I attended a high school meeting which lasted until 9:30 and didn't get to say goodnight. I always try to leave before 8:30 so I can say goodnight to the kids. I got home at 9:45 and they were both obviously asleep since bedtime is 9:00 and it was a school night. I kissed them both and felt a twinge of guilt as the night ended. This morning I woke at 6:12 a.m., said hello to Handsome who was already on the computer like he is every morning and turned the TV on so I could listen while I got my coffee. Returning to the couch with my steaming cup of wake me up juice I noticed the red bar at the bottom of the screen stating CLOSED. What? School closings? What is going on? Looking out the window, I see a perfectly normal, gray, February morning.

I sit and see all the schools in my area are closed. Grabbing the phone and turning it on I eventually get the text message from the Superintendent who states that because of the impending weather school will be closed.

Doing a little happy dance I tell Handsome who jumps up and runs to the window only to be disappointed that there is no snow.

Nope, no snow for until 11:30 a.m. Ended about 2:00 with only an inch but was followed by a lovely wintery mix. We will see what happens but as of now it seems like a joke that the kids were off but I won't complain.

We read books sitting under the covers with one on each side of me, watched movies, looked at pictures of the kids when they were small, watched old videos of the kids as babies, read some more and did some drawing. Great day and after missing bedtime, something I needed so badly. Good Times!

Hope you had a good day too.

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