Maria's Space: Allergies Killing Ya? Check out Halls Allergy Relief

Friday, May 21, 2010

Allergies Killing Ya? Check out Halls Allergy Relief

Thanks to Mom Central I received a sample of Halls Allergy Relief Cough Drops.

Personally, I had no idea that Halls Cough Drops could aid in allergy relief.

I have taken my fair share of Halls for my cold symptoms. Head to Halls and find out which drop is right for you based on your symptoms.

Fight your allergy cough with a Halls cough drop.

From the Halls Website:
While you’re waiting for your allergy medication to work, HALLS® steps in and helps out as a complement to your allergy regimen. HALLS® starts working within 10 seconds to soothe your allergy related cough and sore throat.
During allergy season, inhaled irritants like pollen, grass and trees can trigger irritating coughs and scratchy, sore throats. While your allergy medication provides the all-day relief you’re looking for, don’t forget to take your HALLS® too. Take HALLS® with Advanced Vapor Action® formula for fast, soothing relief of your cough and scratchy, sore throat. It starts working within 10 seconds! As a complement to your allergy medication, the fast-relief of HALLS® might just put a spring in your step when spring allergies hit.

Hey, I will try anything to combat my allergy discomfort. 

Thanks to Mom Central for getting the sample sent out to me.  

 “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Halls and received products necessary to facilitate my candid review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I really like halls especially when I have a sore throat or when I am coughing. It soothes these symptoms for me.


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