Maria's Space: Summitted for my induction into the Mother of the Year Competition

Monday, February 19, 2007

Summitted for my induction into the Mother of the Year Competition

Does this even exist? I know they have one for Dad's but one for Mom's?

Accomplished Today...(broad smile, feet up and hands behind my neck)

- Breakfast - Pancakes for the kids and oatmeal for me

- Beds made

- Everyone dressed

- Craft time - Macaroni glued to paper

- Craft time - Water painting

- Craft time - Coloring

- Craft time - Snow Cones using snow and cherry juice

- Dusted every baseboard and trim through the entire house. The kids actually helped..I sprayed they dusted and I followed with a dust rag.

- Talked to my sister 3 times

- Lunch - Scrambled egg for the PT and apple and yogurt for the Goddess

- Dusted every corner and ceiling throughout the house

- Gave pony rides for 1/2 hour (this counts as exercise right?)

- Glued letters to paper

- Watched Peter Pan with the kids (This is the first time they sat down to watch a Disney movie they lasted 30 minutes and then were bored but at least we are getting there.)

- Sat down with PT to teach him the computer mouse we used this site

- Dinner - Pizza for the kids and steak for me.

- More pony rides about 15 minutes (I am bone tired)

- Made homemade chocolate covered buttered toffee (didn't come out as I wished but taste awesome).

- Bedtime ritual including 5 books and 12 items that had to be gathered before the Toddler would go to bed.

- Toddler asleep by 8:00 and the Goddess asleep by 9:30

- Blog post done

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