Maria's Space: Personal Day = No Rest For The Weary

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Personal Day = No Rest For The Weary

 I took my first personal day today. It was set up for a meeting that has since been cancelled but took the day anyway. 

Since I am pet sitting I needed to be up anyway but still got that extra hour of sleep rounding out my sleep time to 6 hours and 30 minutes according to my iWatch. Not shabby I guess. Wish it was 8 but I just don’t seem to know how to sleep.  

Fed my cats, made coffee, headed to pet sitting and then came home to do chores. Cleaned the dining room. Helped my husband toss some clothes out as he went through his drawers today and then cleaned the rug in my bedroom and got my son to vacuum the living room and dining room as I did the detail work on the edges and corners. 

My husband wanted to change out the flower boxes to fall flowers so we did that. I decided to take a nap about 1:50 but my husband called me to put his clothes in the dryer just as I fell asleep. 

My son and I did a review for a cornhole set which I am obsessed with. 

It’s 3:25 and I will be heading out to pet sit again in about a half hour then I will shower and get ready for the next day because I need to be in bed by no later than 10 to be ready for 10-12 3 year olds tomorrow. 

Does this sound like a personal relaxing day? How do you spend your personal days? How do you allow yourself to take a break?

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