Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures May 1 - May 10, 2021

Saturday, October 30, 2021

My Life In Pictures May 1 - May 10, 2021

 May 1 - Ignore my husband's deck mess. Plants and plant food still in the beginning stages of our summer flowers. Jinxy loves being on the deck and wants to go out all the time but the moment he is out there he wants to go back in. Go figure. 

May 2 - The only photo of the day is me with a filter. Hmmm...

May 3 - NADA

May 4 - When I hear a song in the car that I have forgotten about or that I am hearing for the first time and like, I take a photo. Out of sight is out of mind as you get older.

May 5 - There were only photos of my preschool classes painting their Mother's Day frames which I cannot share. 

May 6 - Minxy Jinxy in all his big boy glory.

May 7 - She may not be a baby anymore, but she is my baby.

May 8 - Mother's Day Dinner at Outback

May 9 - Luna enjoying the beautiful day out on the deck

May 10 - Dentist appointment and I just had to grab a shot of this steeple.

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