Maria's Space: "Green" Cleaning Products I Think You Should Know About

Saturday, July 04, 2020

"Green" Cleaning Products I Think You Should Know About

Going “green” when you clean is important for the health of your family as well as the good of the planet.  Reducing toxins, waste and gives you peace of mind is so important and I am so happy to be using YVY Naturals that I ordered more as soon as I got my first one. No joke!  I had never heard of this before receiving my all purpose cleaner from YVY but I don't plan on using anything else at home or at work.

YVY Naturals (pronounced ee-vee)  was almost like using a K-Cup. You simply fill a spray container with water, place the "eco-friendly pod" into the spray bottle, screw the cap back on which then allows the cleaner to go into the bottle and you now have a safe cleaner that gets the job done without harsh chemicals. The pods and are made with 100% Brazilian citrus and Amazonian flowers. It’s the only cleaning brand in the world that saves 83% plastic with reusable capsules that are no more expensive than the products you’re already using.

There are so many reasons to love this product.

First the smell is wonderful. I love using it. 

Also you are using way less plastic because you will continue to use the spray bottle and only change out the pod. 

YVY Naturals comes in All Purpose Cleaner, Bathroom and Kitchen Cleaner.  I seriously need to order the other two types. I am loving my All Purpose Cleaner though.

I work in daycare and need to use all natural products in the building. Here are all the Natural Ingredients in YVY Naturals

It is really cost effective too. When I priced out my cleaning products, I was paying over $32.60 for 6 cleaning products which include chemicals and would put 6 pieces of plastic into the land fills. Now I will be paying $23.99 for 6 products. I am so loving that!!!! It turns out to be only $3.99 per pod!


Follow YVY Naturals on Instagram and Facebook to stay on top of their latest updates and see what else they are up to.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered. 

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