Maria's Space: Blueberry Vanilla K-Cup

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Blueberry Vanilla K-Cup

What Do You Crave? I crave delicious coffee a few times a day and today it has been Blueberry Vanilla. I am loving it. The perfect hint of blueberry and vanilla makes this a light coffee perfect for anytime. It is on the light side so after my morning wake up coffee, I have one of these to walk around the garden. I love it with a dash of Vanilla Creamer and a dash of milk which is how I have been taking my coffee lately. I also have a cup around 8 PM which is part of my nightly routine. It is light enough not to keep me awake at my 11:00 bedtime. 

I am brin
ging the box to work on Friday with a pint of blueberries for my co-workers to have with their bagels. They are going to love it. 


  1. Super Hot and Humid welcome to Florida

  2. it is warm and sunny-a beautiful day

    tiramisu392 (at)

  3. It has been Suuny, humid and very hot here.

  4. I warm, mid 80's. A nice break from the 90 plus degree weather we've had.

  5. It's a little cloudy & in the mid to high 80's.

  6. We got some much needed rain, now it's sunny & high 70's.

  7. It's warm, muggy & windy. We got some much needed rain!

  8. It is very hot in the 90's

  9. It rained earlier then it turned sunny, low 80's.

  10. It's only 4:30 am but it's already in the 80s welcome to Florida

  11. It's warm but did cool off after the quick rain we had this afternoon.

  12. It’s warm and pouring down rain at the moment!

  13. It's warm but not hot & a little cloudy,


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