Maria's Space: National Coffee Day Is Every Day In My House #STEEPED

Monday, September 23, 2019

National Coffee Day Is Every Day In My House #STEEPED


The Award-Winning Steeped Coffee full immersion brew method means no machines, no waste, guilt-free packaging, and amazing taste; Compostable Bags Deliver Gourmet Taste That's Good To Environment

The 411:
Hey if you are like me every day is National Coffee Day which is officially September 29th. I was so happy to try Steeped a single serve freshly ground specialty coffee that can be made anywhere you can get hold of hot water.  This is perfect for anytime and hikers and campers will love the ability to toss a "tea bag" size good cup of coffee in their backpack.  My husband and I are huge coffee drinkers and loved trying Steeped. 

Here is the press release: 
Step aside, coffee pods. Take a rest, instant coffee. There’s finally a single-serve option available in the world of high-end coffee, and it’s quickly becoming a game changer.
Santa Cruz-based startup Steeped, Inc., one of the most promising and innovative companies in the industry, has launched its revolutionary Steeped Coffee brewing method to serious coffee drinkers across the nation. Brewed similar to tea, Steeped Coffee’s nitro sealed Steeped Bags, along with their guilt-free packaging made using renewable and compostable materials, achieve the unthinkable: freshly ground specialty coffee in a single-serving. That’s why it earned the “Best New Product” award for their innovative packaging at the recent Specialty Coffee Expo. And, it’s barista-approved!

Steeped Coffee launched when serial entrepreneur and coffee lover Josh Wilbur decided to combine the convenience of a single-serving brew method with the premium quality of ethically sourced coffee. Wilbur wanted to redeem the environmental dilemma created by wasteful coffee pods. Happy to do the math, Wilbur points out over 10 billion unrecyclable pods accumulate in landfills each year – enough to wrap around the earth more than 110 times if placed side-by-side. Moreover, each type of pod depends on expensive and often moldy brewing machines, which are also unrecyclable.
It took Wilbur seven years to innovate the proprietary Steeped Coffee system that delivers fresh roasted, pre-portioned, precision ground, micro batched coffee in customized Full Immersion Filters. “Premium coffee roasters have shied away from offering their specialty beans in single-serve packaging because it’s been nearly impossible to keep ground coffee fresh, which quickly ruins the taste,” said Wilbur. “With our Nitro Sealed bags, oxygen is replaced with nitrogen, so the coffee stays fresh as if it was ground moments ago.”
“Steeped Packs are the easiest way to make a delicious cup of coffee,” Wilbur Says. “You shouldn't need to perform chemistry before you’ve made your coffee.” Simply steep each Steeped Bag in hot water for about five minutes to allow the coffee to develop its distinctive body and flavor. There is no machine, no noise, no cleanup, no destructive waste.

As for flavor? Even the most discerning coffee connoisseurs in the industry are singing the praises of Steeped Coffee. Barista Magazine is a believer: “Like a tea bag—but for coffee? This new product from Steeped Coffee might just be one of our fave new ways to brew coffee on the road.”

“Finding Steeped has changed my coffee drinking life,” raved one reviewer on “It's my favorite new brewing method and I can't believe more people haven't heard of this yet. It is going to be huge.”

Entrepreneur’s Handbook concurs: “You’re likely going to see the Steeped Coffee methodology in hospitals, offices, hotels — places where single-serve coffee reigns — and perhaps on your next flight.

Features of Steeped Coffee include:
  • 100% Specialty Coffee: quality coffee ethically sourced directly from farmers
  • Nitro Sealed: removes oxygen, stopping the clock on freshly ground beans
  • Ultrasonic Edges: no glue, staples, or wasted materials for max steeping
  • Full Immersion Filter: non-GMO filters that regulate ideal water-in and maximum flavor-out
  • Guilt-Free Packaging: made using plant-based renewable and compostable materials
  • Micro Batching: roasted locally in small batches
  • Precision Ground: consistent water-cooled grinding to the micron
  • Pre-Portioned: consistent SCA recommended water-to-coffee ratios
  • Just Add Water: single-serve convenience with no machines required
  • Barista Approved: tested by multiple independent specialty coffee Q-graders for freshness, quality, and taste

With so many coffee gadgets, machines, and accessories flooding the market these days, this simple unplugged Steeped Coffee brewing method might be just what you're looking for to take your moment, while at home, at work, or on-the-go.

My review:

I am not a fan of instant coffee. I always find it too weak and honestly a total let down. It is often bitter and as my Grandma who was the original coffee lover of the family would say, "taste like dish water." 

I am a little more open to trying things than my husband but he loves coffee even more than me and he was on board to try though his expectations were low. Shockingly enough he felt it was hotter than when we make a 12 cup pot of coffee in the morning and he took the rest of the box to work. So I guess that says something but now I need to order myself a box for work. I was hoping to take it with me. We have a Keurig at work that makes a cup at a time and honestly I don't have time to leave the classroom and wait for the opportunity to use the machine so I will be boiling some water in the morning and at lunch so I can have fresh coffee with me every day. 

What I think I like most is that I can toss a bag into hot water anytime I want. Wish I had it with me today because you know that feeling when you smell coffee you want it. Well I had this situation today. I walked through the conference room and someone was making some but I was running through. Ugh...I remember thinking "If only I had my Steeped!"

Another reason for loving Steeped is that I don't have to come up with another craft using K-Cups. I hate that I throw out about 40 K-Cups a month that is not good! This is all compostable material. We just add it to our compost. My garbage man is going to feel the difference I am sure. 

Think of the possibilities! 

Hotels (have you ever made coffee in one of those coffee machines in your hotel room? This is so much better!)

To Purchase or to find out more visit

Steeped, Inc., based in Santa Cruz, California, is a B-Corp (Benefit Corporation) focused on every detail from farm-to-cup and beyond, to bring people the most convenient, quality, ethically sourced, and sustainably packaged products available. Steeped Coffee provides a single-serve method that combines convenience and quality all within Guilt-Free Packaging. The proprietary Steeped Brewing Method delivers 100% freshly roasted, precision ground, and nitro sealed specialty coffee pre-portioned within Steeped Full Immersion Filters. Steeped Coffee is the simplest way to make a perfect cup of coffee, with no machine needed, just add water. Steeped, Inc. offers its brewing method to Licensed Partners around the globe.  For business inquiries, contact

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered

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