Maria's Space: Starting Our Back To School Clothes Shopping For My New High Schooler

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Starting Our Back To School Clothes Shopping For My New High Schooler

My daughter graduated 8th grade this past week. She is not as excited as some are to go to high school because she is smart enough to know it is the fly by years and before you know it you need to go to college, get a job and things change. I am also smart enough to know that I need to prepare myself for the dreaded back to school shopping necessary at the end of the summer. Since I take the summer off I am starting little by little and so far we have two pairs of socks. Yeah, I know it is a small thing but she wears socks daily and you have to start somewhere. 

We got two pairs of Ozone Design socks. They are socks but they are art too and since she is an artist this was the way to go. Ozone Design - The Art of Socks is woman owned/run and includes sheers, knee highs, over the knees, novelty, mens, dress and florals among others. Our eclectic styles have been in editorial spreads for Vogue, NYLON, Interview and worn on magazine covers by the likes of Gigi Hadid.

We share many articles of clothing so I am excited to eventually wear these socks to work. My preschoolers are going to love them. 

How cute are they? 

She really loves the barbed wire socks.

Ozone Socks are pretty spectacular and they have something for everyone. There novelty socks are definitely eye catching but their flower socks are OMG..stunning.

Shop until July 4th and get a 25-45% off plus free shipping on orders over $20. Visit them now so you don't miss out. We ordered these for my son.

The socks are well made and very comfortable. BUT so eye catching that I would love them even if they weren't.

Follow Ozone Socks on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date. 

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