Maria's Space: My Life in Pics - March 23 - March 31

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

My Life in Pics - March 23 - March 31

March 23 - Family dinner at Pizza Unos. My boys crack me up when they are together. Very much boy play which gets a little ridiculous and involves a lot of trash talk.

March 24 - Just one of our cat sitting jobs. This is a new family for us and we were thrilled to get to know their cats.

March 25- We never get a photo of our three cats hanging out together. This made us so happy.

March 26 - Pretty pathetic pic but I took a photo of the speaker I  have a work for a review. It is a great little speaker. My class is so loud (they are 2 after all) so I need a power little speaker that will not break if it falls. This is durable and loud.

March 27 - My daughter took some photos of her class trip to Roosevelt Mansion in Hyde Park. I love seeing them. As a child my family went there often. I love how quiet this room looks with it's four poster bed and overhead light.

March 28 - This is the thing nightmares are made of. Luna in a snapchat filter was the only photo taken on March 28th. Yikes!

March 29 - My date for the Middle School play is too cute in all her black gear.

March 30 - Really?! This is it! A friggin picture of a Shamrock shake?! UGH

March 31 - Semi Formal dress shopping was not what I had expected. It kinda sucked.

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