Maria's Space: My Life in Photos - July 17 - July 24, 2018

Thursday, August 09, 2018

My Life in Photos - July 17 - July 24, 2018

July 17, 2018 - Grainy pic but I cannot help sharing. This is our kitten Sage. I never had a cat do this before but have heard it is very common especially when they are without mom from such a young age. They were colony cats. Mom and kits were brought to the shelter very sick. Mom wanted nothing to do with them and was removed from the cage, eventually fixed and sent back to the colony when they were 8-10 weeks old. Sage wakes crying and comes to the closest person to suck on their clothing. She kneads with her paws while sucking our shirts which means lots of scratches but just like when I was nursing my kids, I stop everything to get the crying cat, sit down and hold her until she is done usually 15-45 minutes. We take turns but usually the kids just bring her to me. My shirt ends up very wet but this is the only time she wants nuzzling.

July 18, 2018 - I signed my daughter up for a 4 days cooking class at her school. She made chicken pot pie, Oreo truffles, rice balls, meat balls, taco bowls, garlic bread, BBQ'd chicken, and this plate here. It was delicious. She doesn't eat many anything that has meat which meant much of the food came home to me. It was nice not to have to worry about lunch. Come to think of is time she made the family dinner.

July 19, 2018 - We had so much fun using the swag from the I Feel Pretty gift bag sent to the house when Amy Schumer's movie came out. These masks were fun. We took about 40 pictures of us with them on.

July 20, 2018 - Okay let me explain. I had sent a photo of my son in his Kalahari pink shirt to his dad while he was changing.  When he came back I showed him the text and he said, "send this to dad." It is NOT his middle finger. My husband thought it was hysterical. I guess middle fingers are tough and my Handsome cannot wait to be able to say and do things that only grown ups do when pissed.  So strange since my husband and I rarely curse but my son watches You Tubers who do and thinks they are hysterical.

July 21, 2018 - This grasshoper was acting as if I caught him doing something. He was covered in pollen and posed for me thought 100 photos. Such a good looking guy.

July 22, 2018 - Sage has some hair in her eye that is obviously bothering her. We removed it as soon as we saw the pic but had no idea that was why she was winking at us.

July 23, 2018 - The tiny toadlets. Look how small. I love these little toads ever since I was a little girl. They are so perfect in their tiniest.

July 24, 2018 - I don't take enough photos of myself. I used to but as life has gotten busier and I have been less and less comfortable with my "aging self" it hasn't happened. I need to make a conscious effort to snap more shots of me.

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