Maria's Space: Living Hope Gives Hope For Life

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Living Hope Gives Hope For Life

LIVING HOPE is the story of three extraordinary individuals who have devoted their lives to serving the poor in South Africa. It is a feature length documentary created by the filmmakers behind Journey to Everest, Apostles of Comedy, and Honoring a Father’s Dream: Sons of Lwala.  John Thomas, a pastor who is leading his church to serve the sick, hungry, and dying in the communities that surround them. Journey beside John through the neighborhoods where they work, meet the people their ministry has impacted, and hear from his heart why they chose to make a stand for the poor.  Joey Lankford, a businessman and father of four who moved his young family from the United States to Cape Town. Journey beside Joey as he equips men and women with job skills, and leads them out of the bondage of poverty.  Leonie Rustin, a single mom and nursing assistant, who turned from a life of crippling drug addiction to follow Christ. Journey beside Leonie as she attempts to help other in her community unshackle the chains of addiction and prostitution.

The 411:

I don't think any of my friends would consider me deeply religious, preachy or even God fearing however, I do hold my beliefs very close to my heart and pray nightly and even during the day when I need to. There have been moments in my life that if I didn't have God in my heart I wouldn't have been the person everyone sees daily. The person who is nice and always smiling and laughing. I am those things because I have a deep rooted connection to my faith and a very real, very deep relationship with God.

Living Hope is a documentary about some of the people involved in the Living Hope Ministries in South Africa. It follows and interviews three people who have given their lives to the cause of taking care of the people of South Africa by providing ministry in four needed areas: 
  • Healthcare
  • Homeless and addiction
  • HIV education and prevention 
  • Economic empowerment

We meet Joey Lankford a husband and father of four, Leonie Rustin a single mom coming out of addiction and Pastor John Thomas all who are doing God's work after various circumstances took them to South Africa.

I love how Leonie Rustin has helped herself in her own recovery. Friday's used to be the night she would do drugs so to stop herself from getting caught up in that she busied herself by cleaning and readying the make-shift church; an classroom that serves as a place for mass.

Along with these people we get to know Amy Aaron an RN who talks about families who thank the staff for taking care of their family members, making them comfortable, respecting them and loving them. The story she tells of 31 year old Nizzy Way who was very very sick with HIV and had refused God in her life. When she talks about Nizzy's baptism before she passed I cried.  Beautiful! Why go into nursing or ministry if you don't care about people?

These people are putting 100% faith in God as do I and this DVD will have you rethinking your life and what you can do to change the world around you. 

The DVD is very well edited. I loved it.

To Purchase:


If you are interested in learning more about Joey Lankford,  he has a book that talks about his life, family, faith and why he decided to join ministry work.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. My reviews are 100% honest and true based on my personal opinion not on a company’s description or request. No monetary compensation was received.

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