Maria's Space: Take Care Of Your Gut and Your Gut Will Take Care Of You

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Take Care Of Your Gut and Your Gut Will Take Care Of You

Many of my readers know that I had some severe intestinal issues four years ago that landed me in the hospital for 2 weeks and two surgeries later I am still very careful with my digestive system as well as my family and friends.

Taking care of the plumbing has become something I think about daily. Did I eat enough natural fiber? Was my diet balanced today? Will I have any digestive problems later? It is something I am quite serious about. I hope to be around for a long time and taking care of my digestive tract is important to me. I don't want to pop a pill every day so over the past few years I have researched different methods to aid my digestive tract.

1. Eat lots of fiber! I eat more greens than anyone I know. They are delicious and good for you.

2. Drink loads of water! It is my absolute favorite drink and I drink about 10 glasses a day.

3. Get adequate sleep! It never happens but I do try to go to bed earlier if I stay later the night before.

4. Limit my intake of meat and when I do eat it, I drink plenty of water while eating and eat tiny bites. I gave up my beloved lunch meats. Too many additives and they have given me way too many problems.

5. Probiotics! Probiotics! Probiotics. I take them, the kids take them and I can't say enough about them.  I get them in my yogurt and also take TruBiotics when necessary.

6. Use a digestive aid when necessary. I prefer low potency homeopathic medicine and have taken so many over the years but I am dying to try the Digestion Aid Drops from Puraforce Remedies which  are coming to the states very soon!  My Aussie girlfriend Lyn has told me about this company back when my Goddess was a baby and suffering from colic. She swore by this company and said their baby colic drops were the best. I was unable to get them but I am so excited that they are making their way to the states over the next year.

7. Be happy. The brain and the gut are truly connected and I can tell you I wear all my stress in my belly. If I am unhappy so is my belly.

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