Maria's Space: The Yeah Meme

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Yeah Meme

The Yeah Meme

Let's go!!!

Do you have another window or tab open? If so, what are they for? It is for Sunday Stealing at the moment.

Do you like to cook/bake? I do but with my kitchen was more user friendly. There is zero counter space and no table. Makes cooking quite difficult.

What are you currently listening to? My daughter playing a mystery game on her Kindle and my husband snoring.

How long have you lived in the house you live in? 17 years.

Are you tired? Always!

Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out? I have spent too many years biting my tongue. I am currently trying to be less careful.

Are you nice to everyone? I am nice to absolutely everyone.

Have you ever tripped in public? I am sure I have and felt like a total ass to boot

Are you a morning person or a night person? I am a morning person. Exhausted by 10 and if I am on the couch exhausted by 9

Is it easier to forgive or forget? It is easier for me to forgive.

Is there something that’s recently shocked you? YES! Very much so although it is so personal I don't want to share it. Still coming to terms with it.

Which is harder: walking away from somebody you love or coming back?  Walking away for sure.

What were you doing at midnight last night? Looking at the back of my eye lids

What color are your eyes? Hazel


  1. Pretty seflie! You have such beautiful eyes! That is probably the best selfie I've seen.

    You have to defend yourself or your children sometimes. That is a given! "I am woman, hear me roar!" I'm another "Biting the tongue" person, for most of my life. I've recently learned to "space out" and go into serenity because I cannot escape from consuming hatred if I don't. Someone I trust very much has taught me, recently, to say to myself, "It's only a thought", to get tranquility back. And, so it is.

  2. You sure do have pretty eyes! And it's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels perpetually tired!

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