Maria's Space: Mellow Yellow On A Monday

Monday, January 20, 2014

Mellow Yellow On A Monday

November I took a ride with a friend of mine to take some photos of property she owns that will eventually be put to bid for mining. It was a beautiful day and I loved walking around taking shots of her land. This one was not intended for her but for me. Obviously the track is not on her land but I couldn't pass up the chance to get all that yellow for myself.


  1. Hi Maria

    I love the golden color of the wild grasses and railraod track --very pretty!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my Blue Monday post today. I have always loved railway tracks, several of my uncles and cousins have worked and retired from the railroad.

  3. Maria, Thank you so much for visiting my little blog. I fear I have collected to many thing over the years.
    I love the shot of the railroad tracks and the cornfield. It speaks to the wanderlust in all of us. Beautiful.

  4. Beautiful yellow image. I love railroad trucks and of course, riding on a train. Thank you for dropping by. Have a lovely week.

  5. Hello! It's nice to see another Maria visiting and leaving a comment for my page :)

    I love your mellow yellow contribution even though I'm blog hopping for Blue Monday. I should prolly participate with this blog hop next time.


    ~ your new follower

  6. Hi Maria, I'm glad you took that picture and shared it with us! It's so pretty, and it makes me have warm thoughts on this cold day.

  7. Wonderful shot, very well composed.

  8. Perfect shot. The yellow on the tracks surprise me.

  9. Thanks for sharing this and it made me really miss those warm days!


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