Maria's Space: Alice Clayton's The Redhead Plays Her Hand Makes Me Want To Be A Nuts Girl :)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Alice Clayton's The Redhead Plays Her Hand Makes Me Want To Be A Nuts Girl :)

The 411 by Maria:

If you have not read any Alice Clayton books yet, you are truly, honestly and completely missing out. 

Wallbanger which I read over the Summer was by far my favorite of the season! The Unidentified Redhead which I just read in November was spicy, sexy, and a fantasy read! LOVED IT!  The Redhead Plays Her Hand is part 3 of the Redhead series. Oddly enough I didn't get to read The Redhead Revealed but plan on it. I must tell you that not reading it didn't make #3 any less enjoyable. They all can be read on their own. If you are someone who doesn't love series, you will be fine. Alice is an amazing writer and they all stand on their own.

In The Redhead Plays Her Hand, Grace and Jack are together living the Hollywood dream. Jack is a star and Grace is coming into her own with the success of her show. Unfortunately, their public persona's and the pressure of Hollywood and fame is putting some stress on their relationships.

Grace is handling the pressure of being Hollywood's newest It Girl by keeping a clear, positive outlook and Jack is handling things in the complete opposite way. Can their love keep their relationship from going the Hollywood route and ending before it even has a chance to become public?

Alice writing is sexy, numerous, and sarcastic which makes me fly through her books, loving every minute and praying it doesn't end too soon. After finishing one of her books, I need a day or two before diving into another book because her characters stay with me.

I have no doubt you will love Alice as much as I do.

Her references crack me up and make me smile.

Sweet Nuts and Nuts Girl will be missed!    


Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest opinion.

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