Maria's Space: The Final Book in The Beautiful Series by Christina Lauren

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Final Book in The Beautiful Series by Christina Lauren

The 411 by Maria: 

The only one from the Beautiful Series that I read was Beautiful Player which I absolutely loved. Beautiful Beginning is the end of this series and a book I had no trouble getting through in a day. It was a quick read about Bennett and Chloe's wedding and everything that leads up to it. 

There is a fair amount of hot teasing, sizzling romance and shenanigans as you would expect in a wedding party. 

Bennett want to cease having sex with Chloe until after the wedding but their very active sex life is making that idea a difficult one to abide by as is his sexy Chloe who is doing everything she can to break him of sexless mission.

If you enjoy series books, this is a fun one to get yourself involved in.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion.

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