Maria's Space: Get Your Summer Reading List Started: Bedroom Roulette

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Get Your Summer Reading List Started: Bedroom Roulette


What was love really like in the 1970s? Women were marching forward in the Women’s Movement, “bringing home the bacon,” exercising their newfound sexual freedom, and still searching for true love. Introducing, Bedroom Roulette, the latest book in the TruLOVE Collection series, guest edited by romance book expert Ron Hogan.

Bedroom Roulette is a collection of 13 love stories focused on the changing lives, loves and careers of women in the ‘70s. It’s hard to resist these tantalizing tales with titles like: “Bedroom Roulette – The Game Suburban Housewives Play,” “We Joined Our Teenage Daughter at a Free-Love Farm,” “The Night My Husband Demanded an Orgy”, and “Why Not? We Used To Be Married”

Hogan provides a revealing look at various kinds of love stories from the early 1970s in America. Topics that were previously taboo were now being discussed in “polite” society. The sexual revolution was in full swing and the feminist movement was taking hold. Pop culture is alive and well in Bedroom Roulette as it gives readers a “fly on the wall” peek at a pivotal moment in American cultural history. Many of the stories included in this TruLOVE Collection will surprise—and possibly shock--the reader

The 411 by Maria:

This TruLove collection of 13 True Stories from woman in the 70s taken from the subscriber databases of True Romance and True Love Magazine was both interesting and like a walk through the history of women. 

The 70s was a time of sexual revelation and the woman of America were torn between the oppression they had been experiencing and their new found freedom of equality and these stories tell it all.

Some of the titles included:

My Husband's Love Potion from Vietnam
I Don't Want Custody of My Children
Three In A Bed
The Pill That Failed 
And We Are Just Two Girls In Love With Each Other

My favorite was  The Game Suburban Housewives Play. While the husbands are at work and the wives are busy playing Suzy Homemaker, they socialize with the construction men working in the area. So very Desperate Housewives. LOVED IT!

The collection of stories made me laugh, made me angry, made me sad, these woman are all amazing and I thank Ron Hogan for putting them all together.  Brilliant idea and I can't wait to really sift through the TruLove Stories website and check out all of the decades.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion. 

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