Maria's Space: Blue Monday - Enough Already

Monday, February 21, 2011

Blue Monday - Enough Already

Smiling Sally

OK. That's it. Enough with the snow. Just when we start seeing some ground and a cleared deck, this morning, we get this....

enough already

(that is a broom handle left on the deck from yesterday)


  1. Poor baby. I can understand your frustration.

    Happy Blue Monday, Maria.

  2. Yeah we got dumped overnight too!

  3. Sally, Thanks. It has been a loooong winter.

    Freda, Are the kids off from school? Mine are driving me crazy and it is only Monday. Playing referee all day yesterday and this morning. Heading outside in a bit to burn off some of their energy.

  4. So cold!

    My Blue Monday post, have a nice week!

  5. Hang in as there as it will get better. I wish it would hurry up.

  6. BYTM (better you than me)--sorry, but you guys up north can handle it better than we can down here. We freak out and start wrecking if it rains!

  7. I can so relate -- I'm so tired of cold, and snow and winter -- I'm ready for Spring! :-)


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