Maria's Space: Summer Mall Trips = Money Spent

Monday, July 10, 2023

Summer Mall Trips = Money Spent

Last week my son asked if we could go to the mall on my first day off. I took him of course because I took Mondays and Fridays off to spend time with my kids so if he wants to go. We will go!

We went on Friday. He wanted to play some arcade games and bowl. When we got there, the first shop we passed he went in and bought himself three t-shirts, a letter jacket and a pair of socks. Then wanted to go into another store where he bought himself some plush Mario thingy. He did eventually bowl but ended up spending about $200. I bought myself a skirt, took the kids to lunch and eventually back home. I figured the mall was good for him because this was the first time he had his own debit cart with his own money. He didn't have to ask if he could have anything and just got whatever he wanted because it is his money.

Today we again went our separate ways at the mall.  I sadly had to return the skirt I bought because it was too small and finally met up with him where he again had a bag full of stuff again. I didn't ask what he got, it is none of my business. He has showed me more plushies. He wants to collect them. That's fine, like I said it is his money but NOW I took them to lunch again. That has to stop. I told them we cannot go to lunch every time we go out because I am only working 3 days a week this summer. My daughter, Goddess asked if she could kick in and I told her not this time. We will probably split the next lunch. I love going out and being with them but hate spending money especially when I am working less days and we are planning vacation, need work done on the house, need to put both kids in college this year and Christmas is only a few short months away. Come on PowerBall let me win this year so that I can quit my job and take my kids to lunch if we go out. 

I can see a future budgeting talking with him in the future but for now we will let it go so he can experience not always being able to afford what he wants as his bank balance gets lower. 

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