Maria's Space: Life Flies Even When You Are Not Having Fun

Saturday, June 03, 2023

Life Flies Even When You Are Not Having Fun

I started this blog when my kids were very young. It's called Maria's Space because I had two kids under 3 and consumed with Motherhood, no family or friends close by and a husband who was self employed I just needed a little space in the world to call my own. 

Fast forward 18 years and my kids are now 18 and 20. It's crazy how fast 18 years went. Time flies whether life is full of fun or you are just doing life things. Taking care of your kids, the house, working and trying to find a little space to do something for you.

This week I went for my yearly eye doctor appointment and was told I have the beginning of early onset cataracts. Well that doesn't sound good! It makes me feel old but not really. It makes me feel strange. I mean I will ONLY be 57 this Summer. That's not old enough for cataracts right?! How do I have the start of cataracts?

My doctor says this happens, there is nothing I can do to combat it or stop it in its tracks. I simply must wait for Mother Nature to decide how long it will take to become a problem that requires surgery.

She asked if I was ever on a lot of antibiotics or had a lot of radiation in my life. Well doc, yes. I had a blown intestine in 2010 which required a two week hospital stay and eventually surgery, then another surgery abdominal surgery. I also had 8 cat scans in those two weeks as well as many follow ups since.

Getting older is not fun. Your body hurts often. You have aches and pains on some days and other days feel like you can run a marathon.  Getting older is also a blessing because the alternative truly sucks. My mother died before she was 34 years old. I will take my aches and pains knowing that every day above ground is a blessed day. I will be thankful that I am still here watching my kids grow into adults that I like being around. 

I will accept whatever I am dealt in life, pray for the best, plan for the worst but man it goes fast. Live each day to the fullest. Be with those you love, don't waste your time because it is truly precious. 

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