Maria's Space: New Data: National Immunization Month & Ongoing Risk To The Unvaccinated

Sunday, August 21, 2022

New Data: National Immunization Month & Ongoing Risk To The Unvaccinated

COVID-19 disrupted many healthcare routines, especially for children who have fallen behind on receiving recommended vaccines. In fact, a polio case was recently identified in the U.S and poses an ongoing risk to those who are unvaccinated. 

With school quickly approaching, and in honor of National Immunization Awareness Month  (August), MedStar Health surveyed caregivers of children (ages 5 to 18) in the U.S, to highlight the importance of vaccination for kids. The survey found that the majority of children are up to date on all immunizations. 

Please find an overview of the results below: 

What is your child’s immunization status? 

  • My child is up to date on all immunizations (73%) 
  • My child received some but not all immunizations (18%) 
  • My child is not immunized (6%) 
  • Not sure (3%)

As the flu virus changes often, the vaccine should be given each year for the best protection. 

How often does your child get the flu shot? 

  • Every year (24%)
  • Most years (57%)
  • Only when there is a spike in flu infections (8%)
  • Never (11%)

Vaccines help protect children as they head back to school, where potential for vaccine-preventable disease transmission is higher. 

When do you usually get the flu shot for your child? 

  • Before school starts (41%)
  • At the beginning of the school year (40%) 
  • Nov-December (13%)
  • Jan-Feb (3%)
  • Only when the flu is on the rise (3%)

MedStar Health recommends getting the flu shot sometime after September 1st. It takes about 4-6 weeks to respond fully to the vaccine, so if people are vaccinated in Sep/Oct they should be protected by Nov/Dec which is usually when flu starts.

MedStar Health has providers available to address parents’ health concerns for their children as they go back to school, and how they can help them live healthier lives.

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