Maria's Space: Why You Need to Manage Your Blood Pressure

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Why You Need to Manage Your Blood Pressure



Your body is a powerhouse that is constantly churning away to keep you alive and content as best as possible. It does so much that sometimes it is impossible to comprehend until you have an existential crisis. 

Bloodthis thin, colored liquidis one of our life forces, flowing through our veins and being led to all of the organs in our body to keep them working and in top condition. So, what happens when the pressure of our blood is altered? Quite simply—it is not good news.

This piece will take a look at why you need to manage your blood pressure to keep a healthy body and mind. 


What is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure, put simply, is the pressure at which the blood is circulating around the body. The blood vessels that take the blood, which is pumped by the heart to the organs, constrict and/or expand in order to maintain a healthy blood pressure at all times. When blood vessels are put in a position where they cannot do that as effectively, it can affect the body in serious ways. The heart has to work much harder in order to get the blood to the vital organs, which creates an unnecessary and sometimes deadly strain. 


To Protect Your Kidneys from Damage 

Many areas of the body are affected by high blood pressurenot just the heart! Your kidneys can suffer when your blood pressure is too high, as it can put stress on the their filtering systemwhich is vital for our overall health. Kidneys are consistently removing waste and toxins from our blood, help control our blood pressure, and also produces urine so we can expel what the body does not want. 


This is essential to our overall health, and when high blood pressure interferes with how efficient the kidneys can work, there is the chance of developing chronic kidney disease. 

Always consult a professional for high blood pressure management, which can be crucial in retaining your health. 


To Avoid Fatigue 

Fatigue is an extremely unpleasant condition to experience. It can affect all areas of life, and causes the body to run on the ‘lowest power mode’ possible to conserve energy. Those who have low blood pressure may experience this debilitating fatigue, along with dizziness, light-headedness, and fainting. It is also important to note that for those who experience significant low blood pressure, the body may be struggling to get blood to reach the vital organswhich can cause these symptoms at first, but also has the potential to make the body seriously ill. 

The simplest of factors can cause low blood pressure, such as pregnancy, current heart issues, and also issues such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke. 

Managing your blood pressure is essential to your health and quality of life, so be sure to do further research and consult a professional if you are having symptoms or experience diseases and disorders linked to the problem, such as heart issues. 



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