Maria's Space: How to Childproof Your House

Thursday, December 03, 2020

How to Childproof Your House

If you have a new child on the way then you might feel like there is an endless list of anxieties to contend with. One of those anxieties might be the safety of your home. Of course, us adults (generally) avoid hurting ourselves in the home, but your curious little child? Hmm. 

According to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, in the United States:

Each year, about 2,000 children ages 14 and under die as a result of a home injury. Unintentional home injury deaths to children are caused primarily by fire and burns, suffocation, drowning, firearms, falls, choking, and poisoning.”

Despite this alarming figure, you really shouldn’t feel scared. Serious injury in the home is still relatively rare, and if you take the right precautions then you can drastically reduce the risk of it happening. 

Many people ‘childproof’ their homes before a little one comes along. Here are some key areas to take into account when making sure your house is a safe place for your new family member. 

Stairs Are a No-Go

It might seem obvious, but the fact remains that you don’t want your child teetering on the top step of your staircase. According to CBS, an American child falls down the stairs every 6 minutes. This doesn’t mean that children are constantly falling to their doom, but rather this represents the danger stairs present to people with small legs and intuitive minds. 

One of the first things many expectant parents do to prepare their home is to install stair gates. Simple and cheap, these devices have saved many lives and spared new parents many trips to the emergency room.


Many of us grew up understanding that the most dangerous technology in the average house was its electrical supply. This is not necessarily the case anymore. Since houses have switched from AC to DC electrical systems, accidents involving sockets and cables have become more rare

If you have a new baby in the house, it is still good practice to cover up any plugs you have to prevent any accidents. External covers are safer than those that slot into your sockets. 

Kitchen Safeguarding

The kitchen is a magical, comforting place: it is where the culinary rituals of familial bonding take place. It is, however, where some of the most dangerous areas of the house are usually located. Ovens, knives, chopping boards, glassware. There is some pretty dangerous stuff kicking around in the kitchen. Upgrading your storage is a good place to start if you want to make your kitchen safer. 

If you are looking to completely renovate and remodel your kitchen in a childproof way, it is a good idea to visit a professional building company

Fireplaces and Radiators

Heat is an obvious risk. Babies don’t have the same aversion to hot objects as adults. Using a fireguard or radiator cover can eliminate the risk of your new family member burning themselves. 

Fireplace covers are often stylish aesthetic additions to the home. Burnished brass and iron coverssometimes include seating so as to make the best use of space.

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