Maria's Space: Second Hand Wishes by Anna Staniszewski #scholastic

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Second Hand Wishes by Anna Staniszewski #scholastic

Lexi has to keep the universe in balance. If she does enough good things, like being on time, then the bad things, like her little brother needing more surgery, won't happen. It doesn't always work, but she has to keep trying. Just in case. On an extra bad day, Lexi finds a bag of four wishing stones in the antique shop in town, and wishes that her BFF Cassa and the new girl would stop talking to each other. That night, Cassa calls Lexi, crying over the end of her friendship with Marina. The wishes work!

Sort of. When she wishes on the Success stone for the courage to try out for dance club, Lexi wows the entire auditorium with. . .singing? And when she wishes on the Health stone, her little brother starts squeaking like a hamster. This isn't the first time those wishing stones have been wished on--and secondhand wishes come with unexpected consequences!

This sweet and funny story from Anna Staniszewski is perfect for anyone who's wished for a dash of magic in their day!

The 411:

I loved this quick read for ages 8-12 about Lexi who believes she needs to keep balance in life. If something good happens, she knows something will happen and vice versa. When she finds a bag containing Wish Stones in her BFF mom's antique shop she starts asking the universe for favors. Once her first wish comes true she makes a second wish and this time for her sick brother. He suddenly gets better but with consequences.  What should Lexi do? How can she right things in the universe?

Wonderfully written by Anna Staniszewski about friendship, lies, supernatural, and family.

To Pre-Order:

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. All opinions are my own. No monetary compensation was offered.

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